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About the IND

The IND is located at the Mission Bay campus of the University of California San Francisco. Here, a cohesive and interactive group concentrates on research and drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases. 

The unique, integrated structure of the IND allows our researchers to work along parallel tracks of discovery, such that advances in one disease area sometimes lead to advances in others. The IND is housed in the Sandler Neurosciences Center, which brings together an unprecedented concentration of researchers focused on developing molecular diagnostics and unique, efficacious treatments for the neurodegenerative diseases.


The IND is committed to discovering cures for these debilitating neurodegenerative diseases. We urge you to keep abreast of our work at this exciting time in the history of our program and the field.

Director's Message

Click the button below to read a message from our director, Stanley B. Prusiner, MD.

Leadership and Organization

Click the button below to read about the IND's leadership team and its organization.

Events at the IND

Click the button below to see pictures from IND-wide events!

Contact Us

Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases

University of California, San Francisco

Sandler Neurosciences Center

675 Nelson Rising Lane, 3rd Floor

San Francisco, CA 94158


Phone: (415) 476-4482

Fax: (415) 476-8386


IND member working in front of lab view of San Francisco
IND Lab Space
IND member working at a computer