The IND houses multiple mass spectrometers (MS) that research staff use for a variety of studies. These include the following:
- Bruker SolariX ESI/MALDI-7T FT-ICR MS: Used for screening of drug distribution in different pathologies using MALDI-Imaging and for identifying small molecules and peptides using MALDI-MS.

- Orbitrap Fusion™ Tribrid™ MS: Used for identifying and quantifying targeted proteins, post-translational modifications, and modification-specific targets and for performing global proteomics.

- AB Sciex 4500/5500/6500 LC-MS/MS (QQQ): Used for quantification of in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of drugs and in vivo pharmacokinetics bioanalysis combined with Sciex analyst and discoveryquant.